Report: ICESCR 2025 (Word)
An accessible Microsoft Word version of Parallel Report of the Scottish Human Rights Commission to Replies of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the list of issues in relation to its seventh periodic report to the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Briefing: Review of Scottish Budget 2025-26
An analysis of the Scottish budget for 2025-26 through a human rights lens, to inform MSPs, other decision-makers and interested parties as they undertake final scrutiny of the budget.
Letter to the Minister for Social Care on the right to independent living
A letter from the Commission to the Minister for Social Care, on publication of the report 'Tick Tock: A human rights assessment of progress from institutionalisation to independent living in Scotland'.
Written Evidence: Right To Addiction Recovery (Scotland) Bill Stage1
Written Evidence: Right To Addiction Recovery (Scotland) Bill Stage1
Easy Read: Toolkit on using human rights to help move people from institutions to the community
An Easy Read of our toolkit to help Human Rights Defenders measure human rights progress on deinstitutionalisation